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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Luv The Play

Since I posted a song from the play, Wicked last time, I believe I will keep going with the theme....


Saturday, March 27, 2010


WOW! No way! I got 11 comments! AHHHHH!!!!! I almost feel popular!!!! Popular...hmmm reminds me of a song.....Oh well...Anyway, thank y'all soooo much for participating, I would be lost without you! So anyway, I believe Light Red won the votes, so that looks like I'm going with that!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hair Color...

Okay, I need y'alls help...I need a new hair color, something...fresh! Right now my hair is about a brownish-reddish color....and is totally fine, but I need a change.

I was kinda thinking on the lines of this:
But I need your help....
PS: Just so you know the black w/ purple streak will never get past my mom...but it's fun to dream! To vote, look to your right, and you'll figure it out...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Do.

Well, I went to a wedding the other day, it was beautiful, I mean gorgeous! It really just makes you think, about life, and what we are really here for...I love watching the grooms face light up when he sees his bride...Since the bride's father wasn't there, they planned it to where the groom would go get her...I loved that. I can't help but picture God coming for us, his face lighting up when he sees us, it's just beautiful. It's amazing how two little words, can change your life forever, "I do"...two harmless little words, with such significance. Here again, my imagination runs away with me, I see God asking us in heaven "Do you love me?" I wonder if we will use the same two words..."I do."

Monday, March 15, 2010



Wednesday, March 10, 2010


You may not know this, but I want to be a Photographer, I have for the longest time. I love the idea of saving images of God's beautiful creation, and I wholeheartedly agree with the statement "A picture is worth a thousand words" and sadly, a thousand dollars to buy the camera I want. The funny thing is, I hate getting my pictures taken! I mean hate! But are a few pics I have taken...

PS: I LOVE comments!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Percy...yup Percy

This could possibly be my new favorite movie! It has the longest title for a movie in the world, but it is called Percy Jackson And The Olympians: The Lightning Thief, AWESOME! I loved it! I just saw it today in theatres.....AMAzing! Here's the trailer:

LOVE it!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Let It Rock!!!

Let it rock! Let it rock! Let it rock!

Because when I arrive
I, I'll bring the fire
Make you come alive
I can take you higher
What this is, forgot?
I must now remind you
Let It Rock
Let It Rock
Let It Rock

That's for you Ali!

Luv ya girl!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Again...another song.

This song is from my favorite band, Philmont, it's called Where To Start....Hope you like it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Another Song

Okay sorry...All I felt like posing lately, is videos..I'm having a serious case of writers block, so without further adieu, I Run To You, by Lady Antebellum:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Song

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls

I'm trying to think about what to say, but hunger is taking over my mind. I feel like I'm always hungry now....I don't know why. And since I am on the subject of food, I love cinnamon rolls, I mean LOVE! They are one of the best things on earth, the next being muffins...a subject for another day. But back to cinnamon rolls. I believe the glaze on top, is what the use to pave the streets of heaven, and what they feast on there. But the downfall is, my mom is allergic to cinnamon, she can't eat it, smell it, and maybe even see it! For me that means no cinnamon rolls, because, I can't have them in the house. Equaling, a not very happy me. Now occasionally I can get these wonderful swirls of goodness, at a friends house, but not very often. And so I tell you now:

Do Not Take Advantage Of Your Cinnamon Rolls

They may be your last.