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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Okay....If you were to name a Volleyball team, what would it be? I would go with something along the lines of The Strikers, The Lions, or The Panthers(GO PANTHERS!) But who in there right mind would pick The Ocelots??? Well that was the name chosen for us.....well......before we picked The Panthers! I didn't even know what an Ocelot was....but thanks to Wikipedia, I now know! It's a type of cat, or more specifically a Leopard.....Wow.....can you just picture the team getting in a circle and screaming "GO OCELOTS!"? I think not...Though I believe it could be used as a strategy for confusing the other team....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


My resent obsession...(The song, not Glee) I LOVE it! And I know i say that about ALOT of songs, but I love this song!

Still thinking about my theme song....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pics of Youth Retreat!

These photos I am about to show you, leave me almost speechless, but I will say this, I LOVED THE YOUTH RETREAT!!!! Oh, also that most of these pics (thanks to Amanda) are of Luke(aka Martha)

Okay, sorry about the ones that are sideways, I'm to lazy to edit them.... So just turn your head! And Luke, sorry for the embarrassment!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Question. DuhDuhDuhDUH!

Just so you know, I'm not "really blogging" today. I'm pretty much just going to ask a question, and all I want you lovely followers to do, is:

  1. Comment (mandatory)
  2. Answer the question with a YouTube link.
  3. Get really hyper on soft drinks (why? b'cuz it's fun!)

And that will make me happy! I might actually be in a good mood today! (maybe... probably not) Here's the question:

If your life had a theme song, what song would it be?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

No Title Needed....

My favorite band! Search The City

Thursday, April 8, 2010


ey guys! Sorry I haven't been blogging alot lately....I've had ALOT on my mind, with no way to blog about it. Life is just changing alot for me lately, gaining new friends, my bro going off to college soon(ish), and between volleyball, youth, frisbee, and school, I haven't had alot of time to just let go of my thoughts. I can feel God working in my life, molding, and shaping me into what he wants me to be. But have you ever felt like the world is spinning, and your standing still? Well...that's me. I'm just standing here dizzy from watching it all go by, hoping and praying that when I fall, God will catch me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sad Sad Day

Today is a sad day...And not only because it's Monday, but because the home of the best smoothies in the world just closed down....Yes, Tropical Smoothie Cafe (near us) is gone...little did they know, that with that smoothie place, went a little piece of heaven, called The Mocha Madness *angels singing* I feel as though my heart has been ripped out of my chest. Gone.....forever.